
風土と伝統の技が生み出す南国食材とフレーバーブレンダー島唐食品の融合。万能調味料 節照たれ

Okinnawa Style Teriyaki BBQ sauce.2021 Okinawa Specialty Excelence Award.

宮古島のお土産・ギフト ご当地ソース通販商品。

まとめてお得セット 6本入り


沖縄県特産品優秀賞 離島フェア2021年 優良特産品





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北海道 北海道 1000円
北東北 青森県・秋田県・岩手県 1000円
南東北 宮城県・山形県・福島県 1000円
関東 茨城県・栃木県・群馬県・埼玉県・千葉県・神奈川県・東京都・山梨県 1000円
甲信越 新潟県・長野県 1000円
東海 岐阜県・静岡県・愛知県・三重県 1000円
北陸 富山県・石川県・福井県 1000円
関西 大阪府・京都府・滋賀県・奈良県・和歌山県・兵庫県 1000円
中国 岡山県・広島県・山口県・鳥取県・島根県 1000円
四国 香川県・徳島県・愛媛県・高知県 1000円
北九州 福岡県・佐賀県・長崎県・大分県 1000円
南九州 熊本県・宮崎県・鹿児島県 1000円
その他 沖縄県 1000円



節照たれ(オリジナル) – BUSHITERITARE(original)

商品名 – Name 節照たれ(オリジナル) BUSHITERITARE(original)
用途 – Category 万能調味料 All-purpose seasoning
正味量 – Net 230g
原材料 – Ingredients 本醸造醤油(大豆、小麦を含む)、砂糖、発酵調味料(酒、米、米こうじ)、たん白加水分解物、水あめ、ブドウ糖、かつお節(国産)、食塩、醸造酢、唐辛子/調味料(アミノ酸等)、増粘剤(キサンタンガム) Honjozo (authentically-brewed) soy sauce (contains soybeans, wheat), sugar, fermented seasoning (sake rice, rice malt), protein hydrolyzate, glucose syrup, glucose, dried bonito (made in Japan), salt, brewed vinegar, chili, seasonings (contains amino acids), thickener (xanthan gum)
アレルゲン – Allergen グルテンを含む穀物(小麦、大麦、オーツ麦など)および同製品、魚および同製品、大豆および同製品
添加物 – Additive 人口着色料、香料、保存料を使用しておりません。 No artificial colouring or flavours used.
消費期限 – EXP date ラベルに記載
保管・保存 – Preservation 直射日光、高温多湿を避け常温保存。開封後はお早めにお召し上がりください。開栓後は冷蔵庫に保管。(1か月) Store at room temperature in a cool, dry place. Keep out of direct sunlight. Keep out of direct sunlight. After opening, consume within 1 month. Refrigerate after opening.
製造国 – Country 日本 Made in Japan
概要 – outline かけるだけの味付けスパイス調味料として、また、薄めて出汁としても使用できます。 Use as sauce without diluting or dashi (broth) by diluting.


節照たれ(ウマ辛) – BUSHITERITARE(chili pepper)

商品名 – Name 節照たれ(ウマ辛) BUSHITERITARE(chili pepper)
用途 – Category 万能調味料 All-purpose seasoning
正味量 – Net 230g
原材料 – Ingredients 本醸造醤油(大豆、小麦を含む)、砂糖、発酵調味料(酒、米、米こうじ)、たん白加水分解物、水あめ、ブドウ糖、唐辛子、かつお節(国産)、食塩、醸造酢、/調味料(アミノ酸等)、増粘剤(キサンタンガム) Honjozo (authentically-brewed) soy sauce (contains soybeans, wheat), sugar, fermented seasoning (sake rice, rice malt), protein hydrolyzate, glucose syrup, glucose, chili, dried bonito (made in Japan), salt, brewed vinegar, seasonings (contains amino acids), thickener (xanthan gum)
アレルゲン – Allergen グルテンを含む穀物(小麦、大麦、オーツ麦など)および同製品、魚および同製品、大豆および同製品
添加物 – Additive 人口着色料、香料、保存料を使用しておりません。 No artificial colouring or flavours used.
消費期限 – EXP date ラベルに記載
保管・保存 – Preservation 直射日光、高温多湿を避け常温保存。開封後はお早めにお召し上がりください。開栓後は冷蔵庫に保管。(1か月) Store at room temperature in a cool, dry place. Keep out of direct sunlight. Keep out of direct sunlight. After opening, consume within 1 month. Refrigerate after opening.
製造国 – Country 日本 Made in Japan
概要 – outline かけるだけの味付けスパイス調味料として、また、薄めて出汁としても使用できます。 Use as sauce without diluting or dashi (broth) by diluting.


節照たれ(シークワーサー) – BUSHITERITARE(lemon/Japanese citrus)

商品名 – Name 節照たれ(シークワーサー) BUSHITERITARE(lemon/Japanese citrus)
用途 – Category 万能調味料 All-purpose seasoning
正味量 – Net 230g
原材料 – Ingredients 本醸造醤油(大豆、小麦を含む)、砂糖、発酵調味料(酒、米、米こうじ)、たん白加水分解物、水あめ、ブドウ糖、かつお節(国産)、醸造酢、シークワーサー、食塩、/調味料(アミノ酸等)、増粘剤(キサンタンガム) Honjozo (authentically-brewed) soy sauce (contains soybeans, wheat), sugar, fermented seasoning (sake rice, rice malt), protein hydrolyzate, glucose syrup, glucose, dried bonito (made in Japan), brewed vinegar, Japanese lemon (Citrus depressa), salt, seasonings (contains amino acids), thickener (xanthan gum)
アレルゲン – Allergen グルテンを含む穀物(小麦、大麦、オーツ麦など)および同製品、魚および同製品、大豆および同製品
添加物 – Additive 人口着色料、香料、保存料を使用しておりません。 No artificial colouring or flavours used.
消費期限 – EXP date ラベルに記載
保管・保存 – Preservation 直射日光、高温多湿を避け常温保存。開封後はお早めにお召し上がりください。開栓後は冷蔵庫に保管。(1か月) Store at room temperature in a cool, dry place. Keep out of direct sunlight. Keep out of direct sunlight. After opening, consume within 1 month. Refrigerate after opening.
製造国 – Country 日本 Made in Japan
概要 – outline かけるだけの味付けスパイス調味料として、また、薄めて出汁としても使用できます。 Use as sauce without diluting or dashi (broth) by diluting.


沖縄県特産品優秀賞 離島フェア2021年 優良特産品 に選ばれました。


BUSHITERITARE SHIMAKARA JAPAN All-Purpose Seasoning Teriyaki Sauce

隠し味、スパイスに。つけダレ、だし汁に。かけるだけでも美味しい、万能調味料 節照たれシリーズのセールスポイント1


鰹粉砕二段火入れ熟成製法 着色料保存料無添加 脂肪0% 素材に魔法をかける万能調味料

商標登録 節照たれ®



節照たれ 島唐食品
沖縄県宮古島市  Tel:0980-79-0455

PCQI予防コントロール有資格者(Preventive Controls Qualified Individual / FSPCA認定資格取得 Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance)




Hand-crafted Japanese style Teriyaki seasoning sauce BUSHITERITARE.



Bushiteritare; containing 0% fat, is an umami rich, thick sauce made from crushed dried and aged bonito.The bottles are made of glass with craft-like feel and each bottle is individually paper sealed.Crafted in Miyako,Okinawa,this sauce makes it possible to use with ingredients found at your local stores to achieve the Japanese delicacy you desire.At home, you may use the sauce as is or mix whit other ingredients found in your home and enjoy its sweet and spicy taste.Professionals working in the culinary arts may use as is or rearrange to create an original flavor of the restaurant.A single bottle works well with steaks as well as sashimi, or even your favorite ramen noodles. An excellent sauce that works whit just about anything.

Winner of the Okinawa Prefecture Product of the Year 2021 Award.



Japanese Sitrus” is an Okinawan yuzu, a fruit with a refreshing aroma and sour taste. By adding the juice to the ingredients, this sauce has a mild sourness in its umami. It can be used as a dipping sauce or marinade sauce as it is, and also goes well with noodles, tofu, chicken, etc. It has a refreshing, uniquely Japanese taste.



Umakara” can be used as a dipping sauce or marinade sauce on its own, or as a seasoning for barbecue or stir-fried beef. The sweet and spicy sauce is excitingly delicious.



We, Shimakara Foods, would like to deliver dreams and excitement to our customers from the very small island of Miyakojima in Okinawa. As a member of the local community, we would like to share our dreams and excitement with the lives of the people of Miyako Island and our employees.



The bonito used for “Setsuteru-tare” is caught on Miyako Island and processed on the island. We believe that our contribution to the local community is to protect the fishing grounds of Okinawa and bring dreams and excitement to the many people connected to the fishing grounds. The concept of our seasonings is to become “Japan’s Mayonnaise”. It is not about making mayonnaise, but about being able to approach any ingredient. We manufacture our mayonnaise in the hope that our customers will feel the dream and excitement when it is served with food or when it is used in cooking.



Shimakara Foods dares to use glass bottles as containers for “Setsuteru Tare”.
Surrounded by the clean sea of Miyakojima, we are continuing our small efforts to reduce the use of plastic and protect a sustainable environment.



Hand-crafted Japanese style Teriyaki seasoning sauce.

This teryaki sauce is made from bonito caught in okinawa.

Using the two stage fire-aged bonito grinding method.

Superior okinawa products award of excellence.

50 Okinawa seasonings winning aprize or place.

Just pure the sauce on top!
for barbecues!
for seafood!
for sashimi!
Go will with wasabi.
It can also be used as ramen soup.

Three flavors.
1.Original flavors
2.Hot flavors
3.Citrus flavors